Friday, 26 December 2014

Hong Kong: Occupy Central Movement

The protested area central on 11/12/2014 had been dismissed since the pro-democracy leader surrender themselves to the police which means occupy central is over in Hong Kong from 28 November 2014. However, several protesters refuse to end the pro-democracy protest and continue to occupy central. Thus, this illegal action cause clashes between the police and the protester of central. Finally, Hong Kong police arrested the 12 people during the Wednesday night and early Thursday morning. 
 Protesters hold up a yellow umbrella and banners demanding true universal suffrage in Mong Kok. Photo: Chris Lau

Every citizen has the right to require the government to enhance the policies which benefit the public. However, the people should adopt the right legal action and peaceful ways to protest their reasonable demand. Not by doing illegal activities that will greatly affect the public or economy.

Police tackle a young protester to the ground. Photo: SCMP Pictures 

For example, the action of occupy central is unwise. This action would affect the other citizen daily life. It would affect the economic development, destruction the international reputation of Hong Kong and also obstruct the transport on central area. Not to mention, such activity is against the law.

In addition, it will increase the chance of criminals’ activity which makes a mess in society. Protest might benefit pro-democracy campaign. In fact, the illegal actions are not reasonable action which result most of the citizen to become a victim.

                                                      The admin:Lee (Xiaoqing Li)

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