Monday, 12 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo staff shot dead in Paris terrorist attack!

In a targeted attack latest in Paris, two gunmen broke into the conference room and killed 12 people working at the newspapers office. This Charlie Hebdo attack is thought to have been the work of killers who believe that cartoons can be so offensive that they justify these killings of 12 people.

In the previous years, Charlie Hebdo had been creating disgusting cartoons against the holy Prophet Muhammad. Muslims around the world were disappointed on this shameful act where there Prophet was targeted. This all started from here where those gunmen developed hatred and finally took the step in murdering the people.
It was than when all of the Paris was on streets and they have never been so united. 
This event led to two more attacks the same week where 5 more people died. There were almost 1.5 million people gathered in the grief with the most leading personalities accompanying them.

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